Christmas for Beginners

Christmas for Beginners – Day 21

The Maccabees Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans):               A wicked Greek man named Antiochus Epiphanes came to power and tried to undo all the hard work of...

Christmas for Beginners – Day 20

The Return from Exile Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans):               The Jews return to Jerusalem after being freed by King Cyrus.  They rebuild the...

Christmas for Beginners – Day 19

Exile - The Southern Kingdom Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans):               The Jews in Babylonian captivity remained faithful to God and the law by praying...

Christmas for Beginners – Day 18

Exile – The Northern Kingdom Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans):               There were some Israelites that remained faithful to God in the Northern Kingdom,...
Christmas for Beginners – Day 5

Christmas for Beginners – Day 5

Abraham Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans):   Abraham was kind of a big deal.  He was a man of extraordinary faith and obedience to God.  Abraham pretty much did everything God asked of him.  God gave...

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Christmas for Beginners – Day 4

Christmas for Beginners – Day 4

Noah Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans):   Noah was a righteous man so when God decided to destroy all the evil people with a worldwide flood, he had Noah build an ark to save himself, his family and two of every animal....

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