"The strategy of our adversary..."
Quotes I Like
Saint Zelie Martin
"Let us carry on bravely."
Saint Josemaria Escriva
"... but rather the one who never fails to get up again..."
Saint John Chrysostom on Humility
"Let us with great diligence..."
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Image and Word illuminate each other.
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
"... and for cowards to become people of great courage."
Dorothy Day
"We're all called to be saints..."
From Charles Dickens
"... ignore them as children ignore them."
From The Common Man
"...all evil began with some attempt at superiority;"
From The Passion of the Infant Christ
"... a more complete human being..."
From Lunacy and Letters
"If you do not have mirth, you will certainly have madness."
From Lunacy and Letters
"You cannot be too solemn about golf..."