by applewooddollhospital | Dec 7, 2021 | Christmas for Beginners
Jacob Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Jacob tricked his brother into selling him his birthright and he tricked his father into giving him the...
by applewooddollhospital | Dec 6, 2021 | Blog, Christmas for Beginners
Isaac Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Remember that Isaac was almost sacrificed by Abraham on Mount Moriah before the Angel of God stopped Abraham’s hand and a ram was sacrificed instead. The key points...
by applewooddollhospital | Dec 5, 2021 | Christmas for Beginners
Abraham Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Abraham was kind of a big deal. He was a man of extraordinary faith and obedience to God. Abraham pretty much did everything God asked of him. God gave...
by applewooddollhospital | Dec 4, 2021 | Christmas for Beginners
Noah Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Noah was a righteous man so when God decided to destroy all the evil people with a worldwide flood, he had Noah build an ark to save himself, his family and two of every animal....
by applewooddollhospital | Dec 3, 2021 | Christmas for Beginners
The Fall Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were asked to leave paradise. Thankfully, the story didn’t end there. God promised to send a savior who would reopen the...