Book Review: Utopia

Book Review: Utopia

by Thomas More             I wasn’t sure what to expect when reading this book.  I’d read it was a satire and then the guy who wrote the introduction to the version I was reading insisted it wasn’t...
Book Review:The Whipping Boy

Book Review:The Whipping Boy

by Sid Fleischman  When buying books for the next school year, there was a Sid Fleischman book on the list that I purchased which must have been what made Ebay suggest “The Whipping Boy” to me. I forgot all about this book! It was one of my favorites as a kid.Happily,...
Francis and Clare

Francis and Clare

by Helen Walker Homan             This was an engaging biography on Saint Francis, though not so much on Saint Clare – she kind of pops up at the beginning of the book for a minute and then again at the end.  Saint Francis, whose father was a successful merchant, came...