Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg the size of a cherry tomato. We looked it up and found out that such an egg occurs on occasion, that there is no yolk inside and that they are called – by some – fairy eggs.
Here are some other special fairy eggs we found in honor of Holy week:
- I think it was Edward Sri that shared these photos of The Sacred Pit – the dungeon they held Jesus in under Caiphas’s house to await his trial before Pilate. They would have lowered him down into it with a rope. It would have been filthy and damp and vermin infested.

They’ve built a church on top of it called Saint Peter of Gallicantu. Here’s an article on it by someone who’s been there:
- For an excellent presentation on the Shroud of Turin click here.
- I heard about natural egg dying on the SonRise Morning Show’s interview with Rita Heikenfeld and I think we might give it a try this year.
- This is one of my favorite poems, especially during Holy Week. It was written by one of my favorite poets, Christina Rossetti who wrote during the pre-Raphaelite movement and was influenced by the Oxford movement, though she remained Anglican.

- I stumbled across this online presentation of The Crucifixion and Passion of Christ in Italian art on accident. Happy accident, indeed!
- And finally – not to sully this post with a little self-promotion – a kid friendly Stations of the Cross to do at home with energetic children: