by applewooddollhospital | Dec 8, 2022 | Blog, Feast Days
This feast day is to commemorate the fact that God made Mary without original sin in order to have for himself a little sinless home in his Mother’s womb. Some balk at this teaching but it has always made perfect sense to me for a couple of reasons. God made...
by applewooddollhospital | Dec 3, 2022 | Blog, Saturday Fairy Eggs
Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg...
by applewooddollhospital | Dec 1, 2022 | Blog, Quotes I Like
“… the suburbs have voted that comfort is a gross and material thing.”
by applewooddollhospital | Nov 26, 2022 | Blog, Saturday Fairy Eggs
Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg...
by applewooddollhospital | Nov 16, 2022 | Blog, Feast Days
Saint Margaret of Scotland was the Catholic queen that tamed her wild, Scottish husband. She had a special devotion to the poor and for spreading the faith throughout her kingdom. She had eight kids and a love for prayer. Her spare time was spent: feeding,...