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Applewood Doll Hospital Blog
Book Review: Tremendous Trifles
by: GK Chesterton I went in search of this book after reading a quote attributed to it – “A baby is the...
Embracing Dingy Socks and the Wider Lesson They Teach
At the doctor’s office, I was told to undress and get into a gown by the nurse. As I started to untie my...
Book Review: The Way of the Cross
by: Caryll Houselander This probably goes...
Perhaps Sliced Bread Isn’t the Best Thing
“It’s the best thing since sliced bread.” I’ve heard this phrase...
Book Review: The Vikings
by: Elizabeth Janeway This was a pretty good book. I read it aloud to my 4th grader for his history and I think we both considered it...
Book Review: Confessions (F.J. Sheed translation)
by Saint Augustine of Hippo I’ve tried a couple of translations of this book over the years and I’m not sure if I’m just in a place...
Book Review: Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Dr. John Bergsma I got this for Christmas. It was as great as I hoped it would be.Doctor Bergsma is an Old Testament and Dead Sea Scrolls...
Book Review: Fearing the Stigmata
by Matt Weber It does seem that really young people and really old people have a good handle on their faith/life whereas those of us in the middle...
From The Drama of Atheist Humanism
"Christians have not been promised that hey will always be in the majority."
A Lesson in Forgiveness and Humility and Letting Go of a 35 Year Long Grudge
It’s been 35 years and I have finally forgiven my 5th grade teacher....
Book Review: Amos Fortune: Free Man
by Elizabeth Yates This book was excellent! One of my favorite things about the curriculum we use is the heavy use of books like this one that do a...
Saint Michael’s Lent is an Oasis of Atonement in the Liturgically Ordinary Desert
I've had an article published in Crisis Magazine. Please click the link and enjoy!...