
Pulling Myself Out of a Funk to Get Back into the Race That is Lent

            I had some sort of respiratory virus at the beginning of Lent that knocked me down for a week and then kept me lethargic and coughing for another week.  I’m glad it happened during Lent...

Putting the Hallowed back in Halloween

My Childhood Halloweens As a kid in a non-religious household, I enjoyed all the secular aspects of Halloween.  the art projects at school my mother putting up a few decorations picking a costume my mother refusing to buy it so then making a costume going door to...

I Am an Extrovert When I Am Running

            I always run from social situations and so I found it odd that I am so social while running. As I waved and yelled out “Good Morning” to the neighbor lady across the street whom I run past while...

The Man Who Was Thursday vs. The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Exercise in Literature

            At the beginning of the summer, I came down with some sort of virus that made me ill for about a day or two and then feeling much better but drained of all energy in the subsequent week and a...
Reading the Bible in a Year

Reading the Bible in a Year

For Realsies This Time I thought I’d try Father Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year podcast. This is not the first time I’ve tried the ole “Read the Bible in a Year” resolution.  It’s probably the third or fourth try in as many years.  I always start off strong...

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A Facebook Exit and Reality, a Re-Introduction

A Facebook Exit and Reality, a Re-Introduction

My Facebook Exit had been a long time coming.  The platform had started to make me uneasy a couple of years ago and not just because of the censoring or the privacy issues or the propagandizing or the politics or the ads popping up every time I had a conversation...

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My Journey Not to Get a New Puppy

My Journey Not to Get a New Puppy

The journey began when our local animal shelter posted a dog for adoption.  She was a Great Pyrenees mixed with Anatolian shepherd.  She was fully grown and ready to be dropped into the life of a loving family. I’d looked into getting a Great Pyrenees...

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Take Them a Meal, They Said.  It Will Be Fun, They Said.

Take Them a Meal, They Said. It Will Be Fun, They Said.

On occasion I’d see sign-ups to take new moms a meal in my mom’s group but I never participated for two reasons: I had a very hairy dog and was paranoid some dog hair might make its way into the food,  a social faux pas few can come back from. I’m not a great cook and...

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Sometimes Lent Comes  Looking for You

Sometimes Lent Comes Looking for You

The first couple of Lents after my reversion to the Catholic faith were pretty intense.  I undertook fasting diets that would have made Gandhi look like a glutton. I had prayer goals that the Seraphim wouldn’t have been able to keep up with.  The pile of books I...

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In which I comment on a Magnificat cover

In which I comment on a Magnificat cover

I love this painting of Moses! He looks so based! "Yes I am a man wearing both pink and lavender. Say something. I dare you. I can snap you like a twig. I can, but I won't... ...which leads me to what's written on these here tablets."

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