Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we...
Dorothy Day
"We're all called to be saints..."
Saint Dominic and the Rosary
by Catherine Beebe This was a great biography. It read well and was really helped along by the fact that...
Happy Feast of Saint Ambrose
This is Saint Ambrose. There’s a legend that when he was a baby, a swarm of bees landed on his face and then left the baby uninjured, leaving behind only a drop of honey. His father said that he believed it was a sign that his son would grow up to be a great speaker...
Christmas for Beginners – Day 7
Jacob Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Jacob tricked his brother into selling him his birthright and he tricked his father into giving him the...
Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas
This isn't the Coca-cola Saint Nick. This is the keeping young girls from slavery, saving the lives of children, bringing sailors to port safely and heretic punching Saint Nick. Worthy of admiration year-round! To bring Saint Nicholas into your home, click here.
Christmas for Beginners – Day 6
Isaac Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Remember that Isaac was almost sacrificed by Abraham on Mount Moriah before the Angel of God stopped Abraham’s hand and a ram was sacrificed instead. The key points...
Christmas for Beginners – Day 5
Abraham Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Abraham was kind of a big deal. He was a man of extraordinary faith and obedience to God. Abraham pretty much did everything God asked of him. God gave...
Christmas for Beginners – Day 4
Noah Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Noah was a righteous man so when God decided to destroy all the evil people with a worldwide flood, he had Noah build an ark to save himself, his family and two of every animal....
Christmas for Beginners – Day 3
The Fall Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were asked to leave paradise. Thankfully, the story didn’t end there. God promised to send a savior who would reopen the...
Christmas for Beginners – Day 2
The Creation of Adam and Eve Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): God created Adam and Eve. For those that can handle just a bit more: “Then the Lord formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the...
Christmas for Beginners – Day 1
Creation Just the gist (for small children and others with tiny attention spans): From nothing, God created everything. For those that can handle just a bit more: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void,...