
Mainstreaming Raw Dog

(Mom and Dad, if you read this, I forbid you from Googling that phrase! Trust me, you don't want to know.)             My husband has a whole pre-workout routine that involves taking his pre-workout drink,...

My One Temptation to Protestantism

            My one temptation to Protestantism is their lack of the sacrament of Confession (also called Penance).  I am only tempted thusly when I am particularly ashamed by something I have to...

In Addition to Itching, Broadleaf Plantain Balm Also Helps Relieve My Uselessness as a Wife and Mother

            I put the book down that I had been reading aloud about a pioneer woman who had saved her dying child.  My son was studying pioneer times and we were reading a historical novel about a...

Book Review: American Pilgrimage

by: Christopher Shannon This is a Catholic history of life in the New World which, as I have learned from homeschooling my children and using Catholic history books, is a bit different than a non-Catholic history.  For instance, there is quite a bit more discussion of...
Book Review: A Lion to Guard Us

Book Review: A Lion to Guard Us

by Clyde Robert Bulla             Amanda, about 10 I think, and her two younger siblings (8 and 6) were living in the house of their mother’s employer.  Their mother was very ill so Amanda was doing what she could as a kitchen girl to earn their keep.  Her father had...

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Book Review: The Common Man

Book Review: The Common Man

by GK Chesterton This book is a collection of about 44 essays on subjects ranging from the common man to necromancy to Elizabeth Barrett Browning to nudism to match making historical figures and how they're getting together may have changed history. Needless to say, I...

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