
The Homeschool Discernment: With and Without the Rainbows and Sunshine

                  A friend was trying to discern whether or not to start homeschooling her children and she asked for my thoughts on my experiences as a...

Memento Mori

            “She would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life. “ – the Misfit from “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor In Flanner O’Connor’s...

Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart!

The heart that always leads to her Son. To hang a reminder in your home to always be a heart that follows Jesus, click here.

Happy Feast Day of the Most Sacred Heart!

There is no other heart than can love you as much. To have a reminder of that heart hanging in your house, click here.

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