“The glory of God is a human being fully alive.”

-Saint Irenaeus

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Election Season and the Maccabean Revolt

            Maybe the world isn’t run by lizard people per se, but lately, I can certainly see what Saint John meant when he said “the whole world is in the power of the Evil One.” (1 John 5:19)...

Book Review: Babbitt

by: Sinclair Lewis Babbit was written in the 1920s by Sinclair Lewis who was a socialist.  Normally, a socialist's commentary on American culture from the 1920s wouldn't interest me, but this book is part of the literature curriculum of a Catholic homeschool I...

The Children’s Mass

            There were a lot of babies and children at Mass.  Their sounds filled the air.  There was crying, laughing, burbling, shouting, loud whispering and the pitter-patter of little feet running to the bathroom or escaping the pew and running from their...

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