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Our Products
4 Shabby Chic Handmade Wooden Advent Candles for Christmas Holiday Distressed
$50.00 -
Saint John the Baptist Christmas Ornament Brood of Vipers
$14.00 -
Treatise on the Argument that Die Hard is a Christmas Movie
$7.00 -
Saint Nicholas “Punch Heretics” Christmas Ornament
$14.00 -
Tiny size Flip around Pregnant Mary to Baby Jesus Nativity Byzantine/ Folk style icon on wood
$18.00 -
5 Handmade Wooden Advent Candles for Christmas Holiday
$55.00 -
5 X 5 Saint John the Baptist Byzantine Folk Icon style Print
$8.50 -
4 X 6 Rambo art print on wood
$25.00 -
5 X 7 Saint Thomas Aquinas Byzantine Folk Icon style Print
$8.50 -
4 X 4 I Want to Believe Poster painting print on wood
$25.00 -
5 X 7 Saint Nicholas Byzantine Folk Icon style Print
$8.50 -
2.5 ish X 3.5 ish inch the institution of the Eucharist byzantine/folk icon on wood
$18.00 -
Set of3 X 2.5 inch 20 Mysteries of the Rosary Byzantine Folk Icon prints on Card stock by DL Sayles
$28.00 -
5 X 7 GK Chesterton “The Aim of Life is Appreciation” Quote Byzantine Folk Icon style Print
$8.50 -
Full set of 14 Stations of the Cross in Byzantine/ Folk Style on 2.5″ X3.5″ wood by DL Sayles
$160.00 -
3 in X 2.5 in ish Set of Stations of the Cross Byzantine Icon Folk Style Art Prints Purple
$20.50 -
4 X 6 John McClane art print on Wood
$25.00 -
4 Handmade Wooden Advent Candles for Christmas Holiday
$50.00 -
5 Shabby Chic Handmade Wooden Advent Candles for Christmas