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Applewood Doll Hospital Blog

Election Season and the Maccabean Revolt

            Maybe the world isn’t run by lizard people per se, but lately, I can...

Book Review: Babbitt

by: Sinclair Lewis Babbit was written in the 1920s by Sinclair Lewis who was a socialist.  Normally, a socialist's commentary on American...

The Children’s Mass

            There were a lot of babies and children at Mass.  Their sounds filled the air.  There was crying, laughing, burbling, shouting, loud...

Book Review: Frankenstein

by Mary Shelley             This was another book on Joseph Pearce’s "100 Works of Literature Every Catholic Should Read" list.  In the beginning,...

14 May 2023

Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we...

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Francis and Clare

by Helen Walker Homan             This was an engaging biography on Saint Francis, though not so much on Saint Clare –...

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A Monarch Infestation

A Monarch Infestation

In the course of busy, we were interrupted by unexpected visitors. At the most, we tend to only find three or four Monarch caterpillars on our...

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Becoming a Haiku

Becoming a Haiku

Even as a child, I was fascinated with the concept of Haiku poetry.  It seemed madness to me to take something as free-flowing and...

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It’s Nice to be Back

It’s Nice to be Back

I won’t go into all the reasons as to why I’d stayed away.  Suffice it to say, the Church had always been my sanctuary from the world and...

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