
From The Drama of Atheist Humanism

"Christians have not been promised that hey will always be in the majority."

A Lesson in Forgiveness and Humility and Letting Go of a 35 Year Long Grudge

            It’s been 35 years and I have finally forgiven my 5th grade teacher.             She held a writing competition near the end of the...

Book Review: Amos Fortune: Free Man

by Elizabeth Yates This book was excellent! One of my favorite things about the curriculum we use is the heavy use of books like this one that do a great job of bringing the historical context to life.So with this book, we were taken from a village in Africa where...

Saint Michael’s Lent is an Oasis of Atonement in the Liturgically Ordinary Desert

I've had an article published in Crisis Magazine. Please click the link and enjoy!
March 25, 2023

March 25, 2023

Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg...

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