Book Review: Frankenstein

Book Review: Frankenstein

by Mary Shelley             This was another book on Joseph Pearce’s “100 Works of Literature Every Catholic Should Read” list.  In the beginning, it felt a bit melodramatic, particularly the male characters and especially Victor Frankenstein.  I kept...
Book Review: American Pilgrimage

Book Review: American Pilgrimage

by: Christopher Shannon This is a Catholic history of life in the New World which, as I have learned from homeschooling my children and using Catholic history books, is a bit different than a non-Catholic history.  For instance, there is quite a bit more discussion of...
Book Review: Utopia

Book Review: Utopia

by Thomas More             I wasn’t sure what to expect when reading this book.  I’d read it was a satire and then the guy who wrote the introduction to the version I was reading insisted it wasn’t...
Book Review: The Common Man

Book Review: The Common Man

by GK Chesterton This book is a collection of about 44 essays on subjects ranging from the common man to necromancy to Elizabeth Barrett Browning to nudism to match making historical figures and how they’re getting together may have changed history. Needless to...