
Book Review: The True Meaning of Christmas

by Michael Barber             I’m not an expert at Christmas, but it’s a holiday that fascinates me which leads me to read a lot on it.  So, maybe I’m a kind of a demi-expert?  Suffice it...

Book Review: Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know

by: Michael Barber There are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be saved. Michael Barber takes the reader through 10 chapters of misconceptions and corrects them using scripture, the Catechism and the church fathers. This book is thorough and dense with...

Book Review: The Common Man

by GK Chesterton This book is a collection of about 44 essays on subjects ranging from the common man to necromancy to Elizabeth Barrett Browning to nudism to match making historical figures and how they're getting together may have changed history. Needless to say, I...

Perhaps Sliced Bread Isn’t the Best Thing

            “It’s the best thing since sliced bread.”  I’ve heard this phrase all my life.  It’s always made me think, “Boy, slicing your own bread must have been pretty difficult in order...
Saint Dominic and the Rosary 

Saint Dominic and the Rosary 

by Catherine Beebe             This was a great biography.  It read well and was really helped along by the fact that Saint Dominic had a very fascinating life.  He was born to older parents after his other brothers and sisters were grown-up and moved out.  He knew he...

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20 May 2023

20 May 2023

Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg...

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To Know Christ Jesus

To Know Christ Jesus

by FJ Sheed             I read this book for Lent.  It was a nearly perfect Lent book.  It even had 45  chapters so you could read one per day and be finished by Holy Week....

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14 May 2023

14 May 2023

Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg...

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Francis and Clare

Francis and Clare

by Helen Walker Homan             This was an engaging biography on Saint Francis, though not so much on Saint Clare – she kind of pops up at the beginning of the book for a minute and then again at the end.  Saint Francis, whose father was a successful merchant, came...

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Adam of the Road

Adam of the Road

by Elizabeth Janet Gray             In 13th century England,  Adam, the son of Roger the minstrel, is ready to live life on the road with his father so that one day, he too can become a...

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29 April 2023

29 April 2023

Children are naturally curious creatures and with so many under one roof coupled with the fact that we homeschool, we are frequently looking things up to answer the various questions that arise. For instance, the children found that one of the chickens had laid an egg...

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The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden

by Francis Hodgson Burnett What an excellent book!  A bossy, spoiled girl named Mary is living in India until she is sent to Yorkshire England to live with her very rich uncle in his mansion when her parents die in an epidemic.  The whole place...

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